Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy 2015

Can you believe that 2015 is almost here?
I have a few things that I have to change for 2015... but I want to be successful.  I am not one to get on the resolutions bandwagon because I think that the thing we say on the spur of the moment will not stick.  In fact they leave us just as quickly.  At least, that is how it is for me!

Can I tell you that my 2015 goal journey started long before December?  I actually started thinking about what I wanted to do for the new year back in September (which is the last quarter of 2014).  I know that there are seven areas that most people need to set goals in.  My major "staring me in the face goals" actually come in three of those categories.

Start with the seven areas: Financial, Spiritual, Income, Health, Family, Entertainment (things like vacations or front row seats to a Broadway production, etc), Environment (where you spend most of your time).

One of my major goals for the new year is to lose a certain specific number of pounds.  Statistics show that gym memberships spike in January and for most people that is short lived because by March the old habits have long set in again!

What will be different this year for me?

I have prayed over this issue!  In case you didn't know, I am a Christian!  With my walk comes certain benefits and what I know for sure is that God can deliver us out of temptation 2Peter 2:9.  Much of what my issue is has to do with not resisting temptation and I know that!  Guess what?  I'm not afraid to share that with you because if I share what my struggle is, it no longer has power over me!

I have started to break my goal up into small manageable steps and I did this back in early December!  I did not put on the weight in a month and I would be setting myself up to fail if I believe that it will come off that quickly.  It would be unhealthy for me if it did!

I have a buddy and we both encourage one another on the similar goals that we have!  This is important because I have people in my corner who want me to succeed.

I know my starting point!  This is Top Secret.  After all, I have to keep something to myself...
I have a plan and I see myself how I want to be.  It is astonishing to think how many times I have started something without seeing the end.  To draw a parallel, some of the great business minds will tell you that every business investor needs to have an exit strategy.  In other words, there is an endpoint, one great big milestone of the journey.

What else do I know about goals setting?  I know that the goal must be a clear, concise, mental picture.  It has to be something that moves a person emotionally.  I also know that it takes about 21 days for any new habit to be created (whether it is a good one or a bad one).  I know that bad habits must be replaced with good ones.

Why do I tell you these things?  It is because I know that I am not perfect, no human is!  It is at this time of year that people tend to magnify their own shortcomings because it is popular.  I know that many of you will make resolutions and that is OK.  Just make sure that your resolutions are not fly by night ideas and that they are things that you truly want to get done.  Make sure that you don't have a "plastic surgery mentality"!  If you have been struggling with it for years, give yourself time to get rid of that thing (unless the thing is not legal, ethical or moral ---then continuing will do you more harm than good and the harm may be immediate).

So what do you want your 2015 to look like?  What do you want to change?  If you are brave enough put it on my FaceBook page at and let's get better together!

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  • The Bible,
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  • Anything written by John Maxwell