It is
my goal to bring some really good content to those who read this
Throughout my years of experience talking to students and
helping them maintain focus on various tasks from certification to just sticking
with the training program, I know that many of us struggle with goals. I
do too at times! You know, there are those who are really good at setting
goals but not so good at implementing them, I call these people
visionaries. Then there are those who are really good at implementing but
not good at setting goals, I call these people soldiers. Wait, don't be
offended, we need both the visionary and the soldier to be successful at our
tasks! I have some good news, recently, I was able to interview someone
who has expertise in this area, her name is JoAnn Youngblood King.
is the owner of a company named, "Live Your Potential" and it has its
headquarters in Queens, NY. I must say that every time I speak to JoAnn, she
always has some great seed to plant to help me grow and be a better
leader/entrepreneur. How does she do this? She is a very empathetic
person! In her own words, she says that she suffered from low self
esteem as a child and wasn't happy with herself because of it. She turned
things around by reading a book that helped her realize that she had the
potential to create a happy, successful life for herself and that is when her
turn around came.
I have
said for years, in order to combat all of the negative things that we are
bombarded with on a daily basis, we have to put more good things in.
Reading is great because it allows you to take the writer's words and
develop your own mental picture of what that topic means to you! So
I am glad that JoAnn and I were able to discuss her company and the service
that it provides to people.
company's mission is to help entrepreneurs and small business owners to
discover, tap into and take action based on their inherent potential for
success. I wanted to know more about her practice and so I was able to
chat with her about helping Pharmacy Technicians become more. Many
technicians give so much of their time and effort to help others.
When I
spoke to JoAnn about this issue, this is what came out of our discussion...
"We all have goals we want to accomplish regardless of the profession
we're in. Having the desire or skill to be a Pharmacy Technician is one
thing. However being able to stay on task. move to different levels
within the profession and handle any adversities that come up are areas where
successful coaching can be beneficial. Also everyone needs motivation and
encouragement as well."
For more on this, there is a great article that is written for Pharmacists but
there are some gems in it that apply to Pharmacy Technicians as well.
The thing that JoAnn wants people to know about most is the
value of a Success Partner. " Often times, entrepreneurs and goal
oriented people want to be heard, supported, and motivated. We all want
to be happy, wealthy and healthy. Sometimes our family or close friends
may not really understand what it is we are trying to accomplish. It
helps to have someone in your life that will help you to stay on track,
keep us accountable toward our goals and help us to move in the direction of
Live Your Potential provides success coaching through one-on-one
coaching, over the phone or by email, group coaching, holding success seminars,
workshops and events. The company offers free teleclasses a
couple of times a year.
For more information on this wonderful service contact JoAnn any
of the following ways:
LYP Facebook:
LYP Facebook: